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Stack is a container-type control that allows to define the layout of its children controls.

Although the Stack control has a number of different properties, there are three in particular that define the overall layout that the component has:

  • Direction: Refers to whether the stacking of children components is horizontal or vertical. By default the Stack control is vertical, but can be turned horizontal by adding horizontal property when using the control.
  • Alignment: Refers to how the children controls are aligned inside the container. This is controlled via verticalAlign and horizontalAlign properties.
  • Spacing: Refers to the space that exists between children controls inside the Stack. This is controlled via gap property.

Stacks can be nested inside one another in order to be able to configure the layout of the application as desired.


Live demo

Horizontal stack - Gap and Padding​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Slider, Text
with"horizontal-stack-gap-padding") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def items(count):
items = []
for i in range(1, count + 1):
items.append(Text(value=i, align='center', vertical_align='center', width=30, height=30, bgcolor='BlueMagenta10', color='white', padding=5))
return items

def gap_slider_change(e): = int(e.control.value)

def padding_slider_change(e):
spacing_stack.padding = e.control.value

gap_slider = Slider("Gap between items", min=0, max=50, step=1, value=0, show_value=True, on_change=gap_slider_change)
padding_slider = Slider("Stack padding", min=0, max=50, step=1, value=0, show_value=True, on_change=padding_slider_change)
spacing_stack = Stack(horizontal=True, bgcolor=bg_color, gap=0, controls=items(5))

page.add(gap_slider, padding_slider, spacing_stack)


Horizontal stack - Wrapping​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Slider, Text
with"horizontal-stack-wrapping") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def items(count):
items = []
for i in range(1, count + 1):
items.append(Text(value=i, align='center', vertical_align='center', width=30, height=30, bgcolor='BlueMagenta10', color='white', padding=5))
return items

def wrap_slider_change(e):
width = int(e.control.value)
wrap_stack.width = f"{width}%"

wrap_slider = Slider("Change the stack width to see how child items wrap onto multiple rows:",
min=0, max=100, step=10, value=100, show_value=True, value_format='{value}%', on_change=wrap_slider_change)

wrap_stack = Stack(horizontal=True, wrap=True, bgcolor=bg_color, gap=20, controls=items(10))

page.add(wrap_slider, wrap_stack)


Horizontal stack - Horizontal alignments​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Text
with"horizontal-stack-horizontal-alignments") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def items(count):
items = []
for i in range(1, count + 1):
items.append(Text(value=i, align='center', vertical_align='center', width=30, height=30, bgcolor='BlueMagenta10', color='white', padding=5))
return items

def horizontal_stack(horiz_align):
return Stack(controls=[
Stack(horizontal=True, horizontal_align=horiz_align, vertical_align='center', gap=20, bgcolor=bg_color, controls=items(3))

page.add(horizontal_stack('start'), horizontal_stack('center'), horizontal_stack('center'), horizontal_stack('space-between'), horizontal_stack('space-around'), horizontal_stack('space-evenly'))


Horizontal stack - Vertical alignments​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Text
with"horizontal-stack-vertical-alignments") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def items(count):
items = []
for i in range(1, count + 1):
items.append(Text(value=i, align='center', vertical_align='center', width=30, height=30, bgcolor='BlueMagenta10', color='white', padding=5))
return items

Stack(horizontal=True, vertical_align='start', height=100, bgcolor=bg_color, gap=20, controls=items(3)),
Stack(horizontal=True, vertical_align='center', height=100, bgcolor=bg_color, gap=20, controls=items(3)),
Stack(horizontal=True, vertical_align='end', height=100, bgcolor=bg_color, gap=20, controls=items(3)))


Vertical stack - Vertical alignments​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Text
with"vertical-stack-vertical-alignments") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def items(count):
items = []
for i in range(1, count + 1):
items.append(Text(value=i, align='center', vertical_align='center', width=30, height=30, bgcolor='BlueMagenta10', color='white', padding=5))
return items

def vertical_stack(vert_align):
return Stack(width='20%', controls=[
Stack(vertical_align=vert_align, horizontal_align='center', height=300, gap=20, bgcolor=bg_color, controls=items(3))

page.add(Stack(horizontal=True, horizontal_align='space-between', width='100%', controls=[


Stack with submit event​

import pglet
from pglet import Stack, Text, Textbox, Message
with"stack-with-submit-event") as page:

bg_color = '#ddddee'
page.horizontal_align = 'stretch'

def stack_on_submit(e):
stack = e.control
stack.controls.insert(0, Message("Form has been submitted!", type='success', dismiss=True))

form1 = Stack(padding=10, width='50%', border='2px solid #eee', border_radius=5, controls=[
Text("Pressing ENTER inside the stack will fire 'submit' event."),
Textbox("First name"),
Textbox("Last name")
], on_submit=stack_on_submit)




horizontalboolfalseDefines whether to render Stack children horizontally.
verticalFillboolfalseDefines whether the Stack should take up 100% of the height of its parent.
horizontalAlignstringDefines how to align stack children horizontally: start, end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly, baseline or stretch.
verticalAlignstringDefines how to align stack children vertically: start, end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly, baseline or stretch.
minWidthstringThe minimum stack width.
maxWidthstringThe maximum stack width.
minHeightstringThe minimum stack height.
maxHeightstringThe maximum stack height.
gapstringA gap between stack child controls.
wrapboolfalseDefines whether Stack children should wrap onto multiple rows or columns when they are about to overflow the size of the Stack.
bgcolorstringStack background color.
borderWidthstringBorder width in pixels around control, e.g. 1. Multiple values separated with spaces can be provided to set border width for each of the sides: top right bottom left, e.g. 2 0 2 0.
borderColorstringBorder color around control. Multiple values separated with spaces can be provided to set border color for each of the sides: top right bottom left, e.g. yellow green blue gray.
borderStylestringBorder style around control: none (default), dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. Multiple values separated with spaces can be provided to set border style for each of the sides: top right bottom left, e.g. solid none none none.
borderRadiusstringBorder radius in pixels, e.g. 5. Multiple values separated with spaces can be provided to set border style for each of the sides: top right bottom left, e.g. 10 10 0 0.
scrollxboolfalseEnable horizontal scrolling if stack contents doesn't fit into stack boundaries.
scrollyboolfalseEnable vertical scrolling if stack contents doesn't fit into stack boundaries.
autoscrollboolfalseAutomatically scrolls to the bottom when Stack contents is changed. scrolly must be set to true to make autoscroll work.


submitFires when Enter button is pressed in any input control inside the stack.

Child controls​

  • Any control - will be rendered in the body of the stack.